Quality Policy:
AL-SOQOOF Building Contracting LLC is one of the leading Companies as a main contractor in oil & gas and infrastructure projects inside and outside Iraq .
Alsoqoof's top Management has established the Quality policy that is consistent with the Company’s strategic goals and it is highly Committed to the quality Management system effective Implementation and its continual improvement in compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 through:
Providing high quality products / services that satisfy all the desires, requirements, needs and expectations of the customers.
Applying all the specifications and statutory regulations that ensure the quality of products.
Achieving best utilization of all available resources for continually improving the business activities in a way that achieves all desires, Requirements, needs and expectations of all the company’s interested parties (customers, staff, shareholders, & society…)
Establishing open long-term relationships with customers.
Promotion of staff engagement & teamwork concept to ensure product quality and on time delivery.
Holding specialized training programs to improve staff performance and skills to provide the needed competent personnel for each job.
Alsoqoof has Established quality objectives that are measurable, consistent with this policy and will be periodically reviewed and discussed during the Management Review Meeting to ensure its suitability and effectiveness.
AL-SOQOOF's top Management is committed to Communicate this quality policy and ensure that it is fully understood and implemented by all employees within the company and the General Manager of QA/QC Department is responsible for following up the execution of this policy terms, ensuring the effective implementation of the quality management system and periodically introducing the results to company chairman.